Thursday, August 4, 2022



I apologize for the sideways view of the photo of Kim. I cannot get it to right itself. -Linda Lee Greene

WHAT A FRIEND I HAD IN KIM … “Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.” –Albert Einstein

            In the above statement, Einstein could have been speaking for me as well as for himself. He could also have been speaking for my friend Kim Mutch Emerson. My friendship with Kim began ten years ago when, by way of a referral from a mutual contact, I hired Kim to act as the publicist for GUARDIANS AND OTHER ANGELS, my first novel as a standalone author. In her typical way, Kim took me under her wing and taught me all I was capable of retaining at the time about book marketing as an independently published author. It was hard going at first because I balked against promoting myself in such a way. “But Kim, I’m no good at talking about myself,” I whined to her. “Well, girlfriend, if you want to get anyplace in this business, you have to get over that particular fear,” she replied. She steered me to Facebook, showed me how to create a page as well as how to use the social media site. She was my first Facebook friend and encouraged her Facebook friends to take me in as part of their circle.

            Kim was a self-described empath. Chiefly used in science-fiction stories, an empath is described as a person with the paranormal ability to comprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. ‘Paranormal’ is explained as something beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. But it isn’t beyond the scope of my understanding, nor was it beyond Kim’s understanding. In addition, the word ‘comprehend’ as used in this definition of an ‘empath’ relegates it to an activity of the brain, of thinking, and it comes across to me as inadequate. I have no doubt that Kim would agree with me that to be an empath involves the heart as well as the brain, a heart that allows one to ‘feel’ the mental and emotional state of another individual, and even of a collective of human beings, and even of the world. Kim was a deeply religious person while still wrestling publicly and privately with the alarming state of the world—and now that she has taken on the mantle of pure spirit, I believe she has embarked on the next way, the best way for her to help in the effort to lead humanity out of its current version of the Dark Ages and back into the light of truth, beauty, and justice once more?© -Linda Lee Greene Author/Artist


#KimMutchEmerson, #DigitusRising    

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