Monday, November 22, 2021

IF ONLY.....

"Our deep spiritual confidence that this nation will survive the perils of today - which may well be with us for decades to come - compels us to invest in our nation's future, to consider and meet our obligations to our children and the numberless generations that will follow."  --Special message to the Congress on Conservation (69), March 1, 1962, Public Papers of the Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 1962.


From Linda Lee Greene, Author & Artist

Today, Monday, November 22, 2021, is a freezing-cold and bright day, littered on every surface with fallen leaves rather than drenched in rain or blanketed by snow, but still it is a day fit only for polar bears here in Central Ohio, USA. The deep chill has mirrored my mood from the moment of my rising from my bed ‘til now. “If only it had been a frigid day in Dallas fifty-eight years ago!” the nagging voice has whirled like dervishes unchecked in my brain. “If only it had rained or snowed in Dealey Plaza that morning, and President John F. Kennedy had been in a closed car rather than the open one…his beautiful head would have been shielded from Lee Harvey Oswald’s killer bullet.”

            In my many years, I have lived through an oversized share of epochal periods of history, both in my personal and communal life, not the least is the loss of three of my closest friends in the last fifteen months—but no hours loom as starkly in my memory as those that opened at mid-day of Friday, November 22, 1963, the day my fellow Americans and I were struck dumb by the news that John F. Kennedy, our president, had been assassinated.   

            Basking in the unseasonably bright and warm day in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, my co-worker and I strolled leisurely from our lunch at a nearby cafĂ© to our work place in the credit department located on an upper floor of the towering Uni-Card building. We approached the crowd of loitering co-workers on the broad sidewalk fronting the building and then joined in the pitter-patter and joking so typical of New Yorkers at their ease. The lively drumbeat of chatter stopped abruptly when a man rushed out of the broad entrance of the building, his hand clutching a long white ribbon of tickertape that trailed in his wake, and his voice shouting, “THE PRESIDENT WAS SHOT! THE PRESIDENT WAS SHOT!” In the blink of an eye, a second man ran from the building. It was his duty to tell us that the president was dead—that the city was closing down as was the case across the country, and that we were dismissed to get to our homes as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

The one detail missing from my memory is the means by which I made it to the one-bedroom apartment in Flushing, Queens, New York, in which my bridegroom and I had taken up residence only three months before. Perched on the floor of our living room, our noses only inches from our small black and white television, my husband and I watched nearly motionless, other than bathroom and kitchen breaks, the unfolding drama of the several days comprising JFK’s assassination: the tragic motorcade, the chaotic manhunt, Oswald’s frenzied apprehension, and then, the man in the scruffy fedora crashing through the mad crowd, raising his gun-yielding arm and shooting Oswald dead…right there on the TV screen…right before our stunned eyes! And then the blood-smeared pink suit, the vice-president’s swearing in, the flag-draped casket, the funeral procession with the riderless horse, the little son stepping forward and saluting his dead father.©



Multi-award-winning author, Linda Lee Greene announces the release of her new book, GARDEN OF THE SPIRITS OF THE POTS: A Spiritual Odyssey. In this novella, ex-pat American Nicholas Plato relocates to Sydney, Australia to escape devastating losses. Strange encounters in Australia’s outback with an indigenous potter reveal to Nicholas his true purpose in life. It is available in eBook and/or paperback. Just click the following blue link and it will take you straight to the page on Amazon on which readers can purchase the book.

#11/22/1963, #JohnFKennedy, #JFK, #POTUS, #assassination, #LeeHarveyOswald, #bloodstainedpinksuit, #Dallas,  #DealeyPlaza, #GardenoftheSpiritsofthePots, #LindaLeeGreene


  1. Even though not American, I can still remember how the earth stood still at that moment. Couldn't believe it.

    1. It was an event that reverberated across the cosmos and has had a lasting impact. Thanks so much for responding to my post, Vonnie. Stay well.

  2. I was only ten and in England but I remember it well! The good ones always get assassinated.

    1. I appreciate your comment so much, Carol. It was an event that was felt all across the planet.

  3. My parents were glued to the TV set then too. We lived in Illinois at the time. It was one of those global events you always remember.

    1. It is an event that needs to be remembered throughout time. Thank you so much for commenting, Sharon.

  4. I was I gym class in junior high when the announcement came over the PA. Girls started wailing at the news. I was not one of the wailers but it was a shocking and horrible event that I clearly recall decades later.

    1. Tears flowed like rivers that day and throughout the following days. Thanks so much for responding to my post, Catherine.
