Saturday, April 22, 2017

5 Star Review of CRADLE OF THE SERPENT by author Linda Lee Greene

Customer Review

Loved this read, 22 April 2017
This review is from: Cradle of the Serpent: A Man and a Woman's Imperfect Love (Kindle Edition)
Oh I love it when I come across an engaging story that entertains, written intelligently and with heart. Linda Lee Greene’s "Cradle of the Serpent: A Man and a Woman’s Imperfect Love" hit the mark on all points. What starts out as a very intriguing dedication to a man named Allen: words of love; has me curious about what will unfold as I venture on with the read. Then a quote from Aristotle about bearing composure where the soul shines in challenging circumstances really has heightened my interest. The story begins with mention of an Aesop’s fable; it is a metaphor for being grounded and what happens when one has their head in the clouds and tragedy strikes. The story then begins in lovely poetic prose that Aesop would have applauded: doing laundry, lost keys, and a refreshing encounter. Love enters the pages with words, “the day I made you mine…” and I’m completely invested in what the actual story is about now that it has been so beautifully set up. As I continue on reading, the characters are introduced and developed with clarity and depth: a woman walking a dog, a man named Jacob who helps her, they unite, and then what happens is unexpected and magical. There is much richness and intrigue as the story unfolds and incorporates what at first seem divergent yet rapidly become compelling themes including: therapy, a questionable relationship, fascinating dreams, a mysterious tattoo, a geographical connection to a constellation, mythology, an unexpected meeting, a love triangle, tragedy and a death with twin children impacted. Mystery upon mystery unfolds as we enter a Navajo reservation and witness a fascinating court, involving the children and who has parental rights. The mystery is held right down to the final pages lending to a really great read. There’s so much about this storyline that is captivating and so much I loved about it, including the intelligent way in which it is written—akin to a classic. And when I closed that last page I wanted to talk about it, retell it, urge others to pick it up and read it. But that would spoil it and so I’m compelled to write this review and leave to others the refreshing, compelling, and enjoyable experience and pleasure of reading it for themselves. It is a really great day when I can snuggle up with a great book that leaves no room for anything but wanting to know what the next page will reveal. I got lucky with this one and am thrilled I came upon and purchased it. Thank you Amazon for recommending it.

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