“…possessed by intense life:” It is an immortal line by F. Scott Fitzgerald
in his novel, The Great Gatsby, and while it describes the enchanted universe
of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, it just as easily could have been written
about the artistic vision of Lucila Linik.
When this kind of vitality in a writer is moored by “innate genius
augmented by control, technique, craft,”[1] as was
said of Fitzgerald, you get “the great American novel.” The same qualities given rise in an artist
such as Lucila Linik bring into being a body of work worthy of any superlative
in any lexicon.
resumé is extensive, among the
highlights are artworks shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and
at the Columbus (Ohio) Museum of Art.
Since residing in Central Ohio where Columbus is the anchor, Lucila’s
work is highly sought in exhibitions at galleries, festivals, and other
art-related venues. A diversified
artist, Lucila describes herself as an “expressionist working from observation,
and recording not only what I see, but also what I feel about a subject.”
Tree Galleries at 3968 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio is
proud to host “All That Jazz - Twigs, strings, birds and things,” a
wide-ranging show of artwork by Lucila Linik, to be on display from November 5
to December 1, 2012. The general public
is invited to the opening reception scheduled for Saturday, November 10, 2012
from 5 – 8 pm. There you will see
Lucila’s oil and watercolor paintings; sculptures; collages; tapestries;
embroideries on canvas and other grounds—indeed it is a magical world of
mixed-media upon which to feast your eyes and to feed your soul.
Linda Lee Greene’s latest novel, GUARDIANS AND OTHER ANGELS
is available at http://www.amazon.com/Guardians-Other-Angels-Linda-Greene/dp/1897512562/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338336762&sr=8-1
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Scribner Paperback Edition, Published by
Simon & Schuster, original date: 1920, p. xvi (Preface) by Matthew J.
Bruccoli, 1996.
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